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My name is K. S. Daniels and I’m a recovering academic and Science Fiction writer. I spent four years teaching English Composition and Literature at the University of South Alabama, until I moved to New Orleans to write full time.
What first inspired you to start writing?
Both my Father and Grandfather were avid readers, so I think it all started there for me. I had access to large collections of books, mostly Science Fiction, and I dove in whole-heartedly. Once I became interested in the Star Wars films, I discovered the novels written after the last movie and it occurred to me that, hey, I could do that too. So at fourteen, I began handwriting my first, and never to be finished, book in the Star Wars universe.
Where did the idea for The Valkyrie Trilogy come from?
It began with my interest in space pirates. It was such an interested concept, that space was the new ocean in a way, that I knew I had to write about it. Three chapters into the books, Vladia Robespierre appeared as a minor character and completely took over the scene, overshadowing the protagonist entirely. At that point I knew I had it all wrong; this was her story and to tell it I would have to throw out all I’d written previously and begin from scratch. So that’s what I did and it became The Valkyrie Profiles.
What is your favourite book and why?
Ubik, by Philip K. Dick, though having to pick just one is hard. His prose is tight, yet beautiful, and often creepy. Ubik in particular is quite the mind-bender. It questions reality and perception and in the end, you can’t really be sure of anything. It’s unsettling, but I like that. Not all books should end with the feeling of complete resolution. Sometimes the point is that the idea of a resolution is all subjective and not to be trusted.
If you could travel into the future, what time would you go and what would you hope to see there?
I’d want to go maybe 300 years forward. I’d expect to see Mars colonized and Robots integrated seamlessly into society. I’d like space travel to be a thing anyone can do and that most want to do. I’d like to see our sense of adventure and quest from knowledge renewed and burning hot and bright.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have received?
If you want to be a good writer, you must be an avid reader. Never neglecting reading for writing. Both should be done with equal vigor. Hemingway also has a lot of great advice on writing, two of my favorites being “Write drunk and edit sober” and “Writing is architecture, not interior decorating”.
Every author loves receiving a good review, which has been your favourite so far?
I had a wonderful review a few months back from a woman in Germany. It must have been over 800 words at least. The one thing that stands out about it still is when she said that even when she wasn’t reading the book, when she’d have to put it down to eat or shower or whatever, that she couldn’t stop thinking about the characters. She’d speculate on their next moves, their conflicts, their feelings, and when she’d finished the book she decide to fancast who’d play who if it ever became a movie. Reading something like that, it’s why I write. I love my characters and I want the rest of the world to have the chance to fall in love with them like I have. I want them to be so real, that when the book is finished, and a reader reflects back to the text, it’s like remembering old friends who will never really leave your soul.
What are you working on at the moment?
I’ve already began work on the third book of the Valkyrie series, mainly just some rough sketches and plot outlining so far, but I hope to be knee deep in it soon. I’d like to have the third book out at the beginning of 2015.
Tell us about your latest release and how we can find out more.
Well, the second book of the Valkyrie series, Flight of the Valkyrie is out and available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble as a paperback and an ebook. I’ve also got a horror/Science Fiction short story coming out in an anthology soon called Luna's Children: Stranger Worlds. I post snippets and previews on my Facebook and Twitter all the time, so once I get into book three they’ll be lots of that. You can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kimberlysdaniels and Twitter at @KimSDaniels. I also have a Goodreads page at www.goodreads.com/ksdaniels , which is linked to my very neglected blog at ksdaniels.blogspot.com.
Books by K. S. Daniels Available from Amazon:
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