Wednesday 28 May 2014

Blog Shout Out - Alternate Hellos

In this week's blog shout we take a trip to C. S. Bailey's blog 'Alternate Hellos', discover more about this blog below:

So there I was checking KUF one morning when I came across an article about the reach of pages on Facebook. New to the scene and late to the party, it would seem my authors page was doomed before it had chance to grow. Despite my haste in releasing my books in three parts, an acquaintance recommended I have a website built. Luckily for me, that same acquaintance built websites for a living. So 1. I also read that authors have no chance without a website and 2. Said acquaintance suggested I get a blog to keep people updated.

So as my website was being built, I started looking at blogs, it basically seemed like an online diary to me but a perfectly apt tool for keeping people up to date. Being in it's baby stages still, I've found much to my surprise that I actually enjoy blogging. I've promised not to use it only as a PR tool, but to keep it entertaining and I've had quite a few views already. My most popular post being confrontation of my heights phobia.

My favourite post so far has got to be the unofficial Maybe, misery soundtrack. Purely because music helped me write the story, set the scenes in my head and I've been given the chance to share it with everybody... hopefully without being sued, I'm not up to date with the copyright laws for creating your own (UNOFFICIAL) soundtrack.

Hopefully in the future I'll manage to keep it entertaining and I'm hoping to get an interview soon. Though I still consider myself an aspiring author, I think it would give people a chance to increase their understanding of what type of person I am, not just my digital self. I try to update my blog at least every three days or whenever I have something to say... And being heavily opinionated, that happens a lot.

Once I've have Maybe, misery line edited and release it full. I'll feel proud to calm myself a self-published author and I can only hope that this wondrous journey of learning new things and meeting new people continues... Unless I do get sued and end up in jail.

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