
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Blog Shout Out - Animals and Magic

For this week's Blog Shout Out we visit Jennifer Priester's 'Animals and Magic' blog. Discover more below:

My name is Jennifer Priester. I am an animal loving author, artist, publisher, layout designer and occasional blogger. My blog,, was originally started to promote myself and my work but it became much more than that. I like to keep my blog random but a typical month of blogging for me usually looks like this: Once a month I post a book review or author interview and one post about some random thing that I hope is entertaining about myself, my pets or my books.

Typically my blog posts every other week on a Friday or Saturday, but sometimes I will do one every week or during busy times I do occasionally skip posting for a few months. However I am working to get it active again though it's been taking time because I don't want to keep doing the same blog routine I have been doing so I have been working on coming up with fun ideas for blog posts.

I want to make more interesting posts that entertain myself and my readers though I really don't know what is interesting to my readers as I don't often get likes or shares to give me any indication about what posts people like, however I receive the most new followers after book reviews. So far though what appears to be the most popular post I have ever created was titled: From Nonreader to Author. I don't know if this one was because it was my first post or if people really enjoyed reading about how a nonreader could become an author but last time I checked this post held the record for most people reading it. 

No matter which posts other people like though my favorite posts to make on my blog are about my pets, crazy things about myself and character interviews. My current favorite posts on my blog are the picture story about my dog Taco, the one where I answered my own crazy questions on an interview I gave to other people but felt it was unfair to give to them unless I was also willing to answer the questions, and a yet to be published post interviewing one of my characters as a promo for a group I run on Goodreads called Character Chat which also has a Facebook page. Both of these can be accessed through my website at if anyone is interested in joining me for some fun! 

Like the Character Chat promo post I have a lot of plans for the future of my blog. Though I plan on still posting book reviews on occasion, I really want to move my blog in a more fun and entertaining direction while still keeping its original intention of being an author blog.
In the near future I am planning to have a couple of special events on my blog that will also happen in various forms across all my social media. One event I am hoping to have in November of this year is a month long animal event which will feature four animal related blog posts as a special promotion for the Read for Animals Anthologies. Another event I want to have is a month long comedy event on my blog which will feature a funny post each week. 

Other things I hope to do are character interviews with other authors characters and more author interviews, as well as more random stories about myself or my pets and animals I know. I also have some short stories planned for my blog that I wrote. If that goes well I might want to feature short stories by other willing authors. 

In March of 2015 I also plan on doing a choose the Easter Bunny contest in which people will read a little about each rabbit I have owned throughout my life and choose which one they would like to read about in a free short story on my blog. 

Overall I really just want my blog to be a fun place for myself and my readers and hope the future contains many entertaining posts.

1 comment:

  1. What a thoroughly honest and refreshing shout out! Good luck!
