
Sunday 20 July 2014

August Short Fiction Contest

Image credit - Tom Long

Welcome to the latest Short Fiction Contest here on The Cult of Me. This month's image is provided by the talented Tom Long. You can check out some of his other art on his blog: I'm sure you'll agree it's a deliciously dark image and a fine inspiration for this month's contest.

Remember that the prizes have now changed, if you win the prizes are available as an Amazon gift card or PayPal payment. 
  1. First prize is a £50 Amazon gift card or PayPal payment
  2. Second prize is a £20 Amazon gift card or PayPal payment
  3. Thirds prize is a £10 Amazon gift card or PayPal payment
Entry to the contest remains free and the prizes come out of my own pocket, although I do make a little from advertising on this blog. So if you see something of interest then feel free to click on the links and purchase away! If you haven't tried my books yet then check them out at the top of the page, as well as buying a good read you'll be helping this contest.

Please make sure to check your story for typos before submitting. I don't mind a few errors, but my enjoyment of a story is diminished if I have to wade through too many.

I'll post the winning entries by September 1st 2014.

As with everything in life there are a few rules:
  1. Only one entry per person.
  2. The story must not be longer than 500 words.
  3. Closing date for submissions is August 23rd 2014.
  4. By submitting the story you grant me a non-exclusive license to post the story on this blog. I do ask that I post it here first.
  5. You also grant me a one time non-exclusive license to include the story in an e-book release.
  6. The judges decision is final.
Use the form below to enter your submission. After you've submitted please leave a comment on this page stating that you have submitted. And please help spread the word. Great stories deserve great readers!

As well as comments section below you can chat about this competition in any of the threads I've listed below. If you don't know the sites then entering the competition is a good way to introduce yourself. Note that these sites are not affiliated with the competition in any way!


Goodreads (UK Amazon kindle Forum group):


If you've started you're own thread or discussion somewhere about this month's competition then let me know and I'll add the link to this page.


  1. Just sent my story for this new competition. Very disturbing picture!

  2. Gosh, am I nervous. I really hope I do well this time around! -Sierra

  3. Submission sent. Good luck to all the writers involved and many thanks to Michael for organising the competition.

  4. Just sent mine. This competition is really helping me keep to my writing goals this year, thanks!

  5. I have submitted my entry. Thanks!

  6. Entry submitted - love the prompt picture! Very inspiring :)

  7. Sent in my piece - have just noticed the odd error in one of the first sentences though (so that's bad- would love to be able to edit those out). Thought the image was very inspiring and challenging. A great idea.

  8. Thank you for the opportunity to submit my entry. Love the picture prompt, very inspiring.

  9. Just submitted my entry - Great image. Food for thought when writing.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Entered. As always, kudos for running the competition.

  12. Sent August 14, with pleasure and hope!

  13. Thank you Michael for the chance to show you my writing, good luck to all.

  14. Hi Michael, submission submitted. Its amazing how you managed to get of picture of my boss....

  15. Thanks for the opportunity, Michael! Just submitted.

  16. Just posted my entry for this month.Thanks.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Sent my submission. Just writing the story creeped me out let alone the picture ;-)

  19. Hi Michael
    I should have learned by now how to submit. Think I've done it twice
    Andrew C-K

  20. Just sent in my entry. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  21. Not sure how I came across this contest, but I see some familiar names submitting and love the idea of an image as the prompt. Sounds fun—thanks for running this, Michael!

    1. And it's still the 23rd here, so hopefully this still qualifies as under the deadline : ]

    2. You're fine. I'll be starting September's contest later today.

  22. I've just entered. Am I still in time?
    Julie McLaren

  23. I'm late to this...I mean, I subbed something but how and why I neglected to post here is beyond me. Sigh. Thanks for the cool prompt and the chance to send something in. That pic gives me the heebeejeebees.
