
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Book Impressions - 100 Nightmares by K.Z. Morano

I love drabbles. If you haven't encountered them before then they are stories that are exactly 100 words long, not including the title. I've encountered some fine drabblists and this author jumps straight in there amongst them. This is a fine collection of horror themed drabbles, you can dip into them a few at a time or just consume them all in one go as I did.

There's an art to writing an effective story in so few words and the author nails it. Some have the delicious twist in the tale which turn the meaning of the story with just those last few words. The drabbles are all horror themed, but there is still a diverse range of stories told here. As well as effective bite-sized stories the author demonstrates a wonderful turn of phrase. For me story is king, but I also appreciate finely constructed language and this is often evident here.

I should also mention the illustrations that are sprinkled liberally throughout. They compliment and enhance the stories well. So if you like good horror and well written short fiction then this needs to be in your reading list.

Click on image to buy from Amazon

100 Nightmares by K.Z. Morano is a collection of 100 horror stories, each written in exactly 100 words, and accompanied by over 50 illustrations. Inside, you’ll find monsters—both imagined and real. There are vengeful specters, characters with impaired psyches, dark fairy tales and stories and illustrations inspired by bizarre creatures of Japanese folklore.


  1. I'm ordering it - thanks for the suggestion!

    Lisa Dee

  2. thank you so much for reviewing 100 Nightmares! i really appreciate it. it's wonderful to receive such great feedback from a fine drabblist. :)
