
Friday 23 August 2013

Guest Author Interview - S. Thomas Kaza

The bank holiday weekend approaches, I'll be in the office for most of it, but at least I can lie in a bit :-) We end the week with a guest author interview with S. Thomas Kaza, you can read what he has to say below:

Please introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do?
I am S. Thomas Kaza, a mild-mannered salesman by day, a disturbed writer by night (Disturbed in the sense that until they go to bed my kids don't leave me alone long enough to write more than a paragraph at a time.)

What first inspired you to start writing?
I have always had stories, but I lacked the discipline to finish what I started. When my kids got old enough for me to start telling them to follow their dreams, I realized I had an unspoken dream of my own..... to become an author.

If you could spend a day with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
I am interested in military history, so there are many historical figures I would like to spend a day with- Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn, Richard 1 of England, and even Napoleon. But since my native language is English, and I love the written word, there is really only one answer- Shakespeare.

What is your favourite word?
There are many, but I especially like the word watchamacallit. It is useful. I like the way it sounds. And Hersheys even named a candy bar after it.

What comes first, the story or the title?
The story comes first, but the title is always not far behind.

Where do your best ideas come from?
I believe my best ideas come from my subconscious, which for me is not a dark, shadowy dungeon of primal urges, but a bridge to places far brighter and more beautiful than I am probably able to fathom.

What advice would you give new and aspiring authors?
Since I feel like I am a new and aspiring artist myself, I am still in need of advice. But I have learned that a writer needs to write a lot in order to discover what they write well. There are many books that can help one get there. A young author should look for the book that they feel talks to them. For me it is The Elements of Style by Strunk.

What are you working on at the moment?
At this time I am revising Cedric of RoseThorn: Book Two, the sequel to Book One, which was published last year. I am also working on a short ghost story which will be published on the Good Story to website in July or August.

Tell us about your latest work and how we can find out more.
Cedric of RoseThorn: Book One is the story of a medieval lord who finds his privileged life turned upside down through a series of unfortunate events. In order to protect his castle and his people, he must stand alone against bandits, barbarians, and the forces that threaten to destroy him. You can read sample chapters on Smashwords, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble websites. I am also working on a website, www.cedricof, which provides news and more detailed information about the medieval world where this story takes place.
Cedric of RoseThorn is available from Amazon

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