
Sunday 31 March 2013

Book Impressions - Mirrors

I've just finished Damien J Nash's new story 'Mirrors',it is the first book in his new London Town series. In a bold move he isn't releasing this via Amazon,but exclusively through his own website.At the end of this post you can find out how to get this, but first my impressions of the story.

The story starts with a scientist who has created technology to see into parallel universes. It's an interesting story that I enjoyed reading. The pace is good, although the story is short, although for free I can hardly complain.

It's certainly whet my appetite for more stories in the series.

What would today be like without all the science and technology that runs every aspect of our lives? Jackson Rockstone knows. He has created a window through the barriers between realities alternate to our own. From his laboratory he observes a thousand Londons, all different, all unique. His favourite London has no electricity, no cars or commuters, but it does have him. He’s not a scientist in this other London, but a murderer, the master of a criminal underworld. He can only watch, sharing his double’s life as if it were the ultimate reality show. That is, until the betrayal of a woman catapults him into his new city. Scared and alone in a strange yet familiar world, what choice does he have except to find the only man he knows?

Join in the discussion about this Damien's new release on KUF.

Mirrors is available free from the London Town website.

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