
Sunday 2 December 2012

Win A Signed Copy of The Cult of Me

You can win a signed copy of The Cult of Me, the first book in The Third Path series. I'm currently working on the sequel to this book. So you can prepare for its release by reading the first book in the series :-)

To win a copy follow this blog via the panel on the right, this is so I can notify the winner. Then post in the comments section below to enter. In your post include a message that you'd like me to write when I sign the book.

I'll pick the best message on Jan 1st 2013 (less than a months time!) and announce the winner.

Good luck for those taking part!


  1. The cover is intriguing. I love it. Drew me in so I had to investigate further. Now I want to know what his unique ability is. Is he a bad guy? Sounds like it, but something is picking away in the back of my mind saying maybe not. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. He is a bad guy, although it's a bit more complicated than that :-)

      Thanks for the comments on the cover, I was quite pleased with it.

  2. This does sound very intersting and there is a lot of talk about it on Horror Aficianados on Goodreads. I'd like to enter the giveaway, please.

  3. I've finally found you.........

    1. And with that cryptic comment and a fortuitous dice roll you are the winner! I've emailed you for your details - Thanks.
